This document will show you how to develop a Single Page Application (SPA) with React and Vert.x.
You will create a React frontend communicating over HTTP with a Vert.x backend.
When developing an SPA, it is very convenient to get instant feedback after updating a Javascript, HTML or CSS file.
With React, this requires you start a development server with npm
that handles requests for frontend resources:
But what about requests that must be processed by Vert.x? You will configure the project so that the frontend development server proxies API requests to the backend:
A text editor or IDE
Java 11 or higher
Maven or Gradle
, an NPM package runner
The code of this project contains Maven and Gradle build files that are functionally equivalent.
Add the vertx-web
dependency in your Maven POM file:
Then add the exec-maven-plugin
Assuming you use Gradle with the Kotlin DSL, add the vertx-web
dependencies {
val vertxVersion = "5.0.0.CR2"
Then configure the application main class:
application {
mainClass = "io.vertx.howtos.react.BackendVerticle"
Let’s start with the backend service.
It shall handle requests on the /api/message
path by retuning a greeting message:
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
Route messageRoute = router.get("/api/message"); // (1)
messageRoute.handler(rc -> {
rc.response().end("Hello React from Vert.x!"); // (2)
router.get().handler(StaticHandler.create()); // (3)
return vertx.createHttpServer()
A Vert.x Web Route
is defined to match HTTP requests on the /api/message
The Route
handler replies to requests with a greeting message
The StaticHandler
is required to handle requests for static resources
You may wonder why we need a StaticHandler if the frontend development server handles static resources?
Keep in mind that when the whole application is built and put to production, the frontend will be bundled with and served by the backend HTTP server.
Before we can test the implementation, the BackendVerticle
needs a main
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); // (1)
vertx.deployVerticle(new BackendVerticle()).await(); // (2)
System.out.println("Verticle started!");
Create a Vertx
Deploy BackendVerticle
You can run the application:
straight from your IDE or,
with Maven: mvn compile exec:java
, or
with Gradle: ./gradlew run
(Linux, macOS) or gradlew run
The following example uses the HTTPie command line HTTP client. Please refer to the installation documentation if you don’t have it installed on your system yet. |
To receive a greeting, open your terminal and execute this:
http :8080/api/message
You should see:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 24
Hello React from Vert.x!
We have a fully operational backend, we can create the frontend.
To do so, run the create-react-app
package with npx
cd src/main
npx create-react-app frontend
This will:
create a package.json
file that defines dependencies as well as build and run scripts
install the dependencies
generate a skeleton application
In this how-to, the frontend code lives as part of the backend project, inside the src directory.
This is easier to get started, in particular if your team includes more backend-oriented developers.
However, as you project grows, you might prefer to split the frontend and the backend into separate modules.
The skeleton application is not of great interest here so let’s remove it:
rm -rf frontend/src/*
Then open your favorite editor and implement the React frontend:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
class Greeter extends React.Component { // (1)
constructor(props) {
this.state = { // (2)
message: "Default message"
componentDidMount() { // (5)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(text => this.setState({message: text}));
render() { // (3)
return (
ReactDOM.render( // (4)
Our frontend consists in a single React Greeter
The Greeter
component holds state, which is a message to display in the browser
The message is displayed within a simple HTML span
The Greeter
component is rendered in the web page
After initial rendering, an HTTP request is sent to the backend; the result is used to udpate the component state
Last but not least, you must configure the frontend development server to proxy API requests to the backend.
Open the package.json
file in you editor and add:
"proxy": "http://localhost:8080"
That’s it, open a terminal and start the frontend development server:
cd src/main/frontend
npm start
A browser tab should automatically be opened and pointing to http://localhost:3000.
You should see:
Hello React from Vert.x!
In production of course you will not start a frontend development server. So the Maven POM (or Gradle build) file shall be configured to:
run a frontend build
copy the static files to the src/main/resources/webroot
Do you remember the StaticHandler from the first section?
It looks for static files in the webroot folder by default.
This is why you must copy static files to src/main/resources/webroot .
Add these plugins to your Maven POM file:
<goal>install-node-and-npm</goal> <!--(1)-->
<arguments>install</arguments> <!--(2)-->
<goal>npm</goal> <!--(3)-->
<arguments>run build</arguments>
<goal>copy-resources</goal> <!--(4)-->
Downloading Node and npm
in the build directory allows to run the frontend build on CI where they might not be present
Download frontend dependencies with npm install
Create a production-ready build of the frontend
Copy static files to src/main/resources/webroot
If you use Gradle, first add the Gradle NPM plugin:
import com.github.gradle.node.npm.task.NpmTask
plugins {
id("com.github.node-gradle.node") version "7.0.2"
Then the configuration is similar to what we did with Maven:
node {
version = "22.12.0"
npmVersion = "10.9.0"
download = true
nodeProjectDir = File("src/main/frontend")
val buildFrontend by tasks.creating(NpmTask::class) {
args = listOf("run", "build")
val copyToWebRoot by tasks.creating(Copy::class) {
destinationDir = File("build/classes/java/main/webroot")
val processResources by tasks.getting(ProcessResources::class) {
Make sure all previous npm
, mvn
or gradlew
executions are terminated and start the Vert.x server:
with Maven: mvn compile exec:java
, or
with Gradle: ./gradlew run
(Linux, macOS) or gradlew run
Browse to http://localhost:8080 and you should see:
Hello React from Vert.x!
This document covered:
the creation of a new React application with create-react-app
running a frontend development server (for live-reload) that delegates API requests to the Vert.x backend
bundling the frontend static files together with the Vert.x classes when going to production
Last published: 2025-02-03 01:47:34 +0000.